I-AU5951 I-LUMOINIIre yenziwe ngamacandelo ama-3.
Idome yenziwa ngeplastiki, indibano iqhutywa kumtya ohluthweyo nge-3 screws.
I-diremial yenziwa ngesitya esicacileyo sePolycarbondate.
Isiseko senziwe ngokuphosa i-alminium.I-gear yokulawula ilungiselelwe kwisiseko.
Ipeyintiwe ngumgubo wePolyster, umbala kwisicelo.
Isidanga sokhuseleko:
I-Worting Mandla:
I-2 joules (PC eyahlukileyo)
Iklasi i
Iklasi II xa uceliwe.

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