
Inkcazo emfutshane:

I-AU151Uminaidire yenziwa ngamacandelo ama-AUARE: I-Cover engaphezulu eyenziwe ngokuphosa i-Aluminium ikhusela i-luminam ikhusela i-luminaire. Inkqubo ye-optical iquka i-Aluminum ecocekileyo ye-Aluminum ecocekileyo ye-Aluminum, ikhutshiwe i-picket enye eqhotyoshelwe kwisakhelo se-silicone itywinwe ngokuthe ngqo kwi-polyed the the the the the the the the rives, umbala we.Protection D ...

Iinkcukacha zemveliso

Iimpawu zeMveliso

I-AU151Uminaidire yenziwe ngamacandelo ama-3:
Isigqubuthelo esiphezulu esenziwe ngokuphosa i-Aluminium idinga ukhuseleko lwe-luminalire.
Umzimba owenziwe nge-aluminium yokufa.
Inkqubo ye-optical iquka i-Aluminum ye-Aluminum ecocekileyo ye-Aluminum, ikhutshiwe kwiqhekeza elinye kwaye iqhotyoshelwe kwisakhelo se-flat ityhutywe ngokuthe ngqo kwisidanga esiphezulu sokukhusela.
Ipeyintiwe ngumgubo wePolyster, umbala kwisicelo.
Isidanga sokhuseleko:
Ibhloko ye-Ofacal IP65

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