
Short description:

AU5591 luminaire is made of 3 parts.THE CAP made of embossed aluminium sheet, once removed the cap and control gear are easily attained.THE FRAME of the luminaire is made up of 2 parts,4 arms in cast aluminium fixed to the base flange, mounting for a 76mm held with 3 stainless steel screws.THE OPTICAL BLOCK is made up of 3 parts sealed together so as to obtain a high degree of protection.A control gear cover with Lucerna Holder Cap.A Conical Crater in Methacrylate.a Reflector in CDG Steel, STA ...

Product Detail

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Au5591 Luminaire est ex III partes.
Et cap facta de sheet aluminium, semel remota cap et imperium calces facile attingitur.
In frame de luminaire factum est ex II partes, IV arma in cast aluminium fixa ad basis fly, ascendere ad 76mm tenuit in III immaculatam ferro Cochleas.
Optical obstructionum factum est ex III partes signati simul ut obtinere excelsum gradus praesidium.
A potestate calces operimentum cum lucerna possessor cap.
Conical CAPUT in Methacrylate.
A Reflectori in CDG ferro, cum in una, picta album color per polyester pulveris.
Picta Polyester pulverem, color in petitionem.
Donec gradus:
Optical obstructionum ip65
PROGors of Energy:
II Jules (Polycarbonate Crater)
Classis i
II classis
Item non.
E27 / E40
HPS: 250W Maxi

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