AU5591 Luminaire yog ua los ntawm 3 ntu.
Lub cap ua los ntawm embossed aluminium daim ntawv, ib zaug tshem tawm lub hau thiab tswj cov iav yooj yim tau ua tiav.
Tus ncej Luminaire tau ua los ntawm 2 ntu, 4 npab hauv nrum txhuas tsau rau lub hauv paus flange, mounting rau 76mm tuav nrog 3 stainless hlau screws.
Lub qhov muag hluav taws xob yog ua los ntawm 3 qhov chaw ntim ua ke yog li kom tau txais kev tiv thaiv siab.
Ib qho iav tswj tau npog nrog teeb nrog lub cap.
Lub tais lub khob hlwv me me hauv methacrylate.
Tus Reforor hauv CDG hlau, stamped tawm hauv ib thooj, pleev xim rau xim dawb los ntawm polyester hmoov.
Pleev xim pleev xim rau polyester hmoov, xim ntawm kev thov.
Kev tiv thaiv kev tiv thaiv:
Optical Thaiv IP65
Shock Zog:
2 joules (polycarbonate tais)
Chav kawm i
Hoob II

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