AU198B Luminaire yog ua los ntawm AU198 / 01, AU198 / 02, AU198 / 03, AU198 / 04 ntawm 4parts.
Lub cev nyob rau hauv siab-txhaj txhuas alloy.
Ntshiab Tempered Iav
Optitec thiab Multitec Refleforor nyob rau hauv high-purity, polished, undodised txhuas.
Romovable iav tuaj yeem sib xyaw tsis tau cov cuab yeej
Lub lim ntim hluav ncua hluav taws xob nquag
Qhib ntawm lub teeb b laub khawm-tsis muaj cuab yeej yuav tsum tau
Max: 400W HPS
Qhov loj me: 620x6xx210mm
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